Jesus Lopez
Jesus Lopez
Techceuticals Technical Director

As the Technical Director at Techceuticals, Jesus Lopez brings over 40 years of experience to the role. He is a Licensed Professional Chemical Engineer from Michigan State University with a wealth of expertise across various industries, including API, chemical, pharmaceutical, parenteral, biological, and medical devices. Mr. Lopez's proficiency extends across project management, operations startup, regulatory compliance, and personnel training. He excels in optimizing multi-product operations to attain operational excellence in quality, financials, and productivity.

Tablet Defects Series Part 1: Weight Uniformity in Tablet Manufacturing - The Critical Role in Tablet Efficacy

Unlocking the Secrets to Perfect Tablet Production

This post dives into the vital aspect of weight uniformity in tablet production, highlighting the challenges and strategies involved in ensuring each tablet's consistency and efficacy. Join us as we explore these technical nuances with Techceuticals' expert, Jesus Lopez.

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